General Education Elective Courses


기초학문교양선택은 학문영역별 교양과목 편성과 더불어 학생이 영역별 균형있게 교양교육과정을 이수하도록 구성된 교과영역입니다.

기초학문교양선택General Education Elective Courses

기초학문교양선택은 '인문과예술, 사회와세계, 과학과기술, 미래와융합, 인성과체육'을 영역으로 두며 교육과정 편성에 따라 선택이수하여야 합니다.


인문과예술 교과내용
학수번호 교과목명 학점 시수
GE1322 르네상스 예술 세계
Understanding Renaissance Art
3 3
GE1889 대중예술의이해
Understanding the Popular Art
3 3
GE1888 문화예술교육개론
Introduction to Culture and Arts Education
3 3
GE1207 생활속의디자인
Living Design
3 3
GE1038 전통문화의이해
Understanding of Traditional Culture
3 3
GE1209 K-POP과상상력
K-POP and Imagination
3 3
GE1143 TOEIC Speaking
TOEIC Speaking
3 3
GE1032 동양고전의이해
Understanding of Eastern Classics
3 3
GE1254 미래사회와평생교육
Future Society and Lifelong Education
3 3
GE4107 미술의이해
Understanding of Fine Art
3 3
GE1002 발표토론과글쓰기
Presentation, Discussion and Writing
3 3
GE4111 사진학
Understanding of Photography
2 2
GE1033 서양고전의이해
Understanding of Western Classics
3 3
GE1904 실용중국어
Practical Chinese
3 3
GE1011 역사의이해
Understanding of History
3 3
GE1220 연애그리고결혼
Love and Marriage
3 3
GE1218 영화속의법과윤리
Laws Ethics in Movies
3 3
GE4141 영화의이해
Understanding Movies
3 3
GE4165 호러장르소사이어티
Horror Genre Society
3 3
GE4166 나도뮤지컬스타
Wanna be a Musical Star
3 3
GE1206 예술과상상력
Art and Imagination
3 3
GE4108 음악의이해
Understanding of Music
3 3
GE1256 인물로본한국사
Korean History through a Historical Figure
3 3
GE1311 연출가로서 바라보기
Observation as a Director
3 3
GE1312 세계뮤지컬의이해
Understanding of World Musical
3 3
GE1318 텍스트의이해
Text Reading
3 3
GE2111 증권투자입문
Introduction to Security Investment
3 3
GE1115 직업윤리
Vocational Ethics
3 3
GE1021 철학의이해
Introduction to Philosophy
3 3
GE1992 행복과자기관리
Happiness and Self management
3 3
GE2030 문화예술교육현장의이해와실습
Understanding and Practicing Cultural and Arts Education
3 3
GE1895 Color Diagnostic and image making
Color Diagnostic and image making
3 3
GE1336 공연예술의이해
Understanding of Performing Arts
3 3
GE1338 세계문화여행_중국
World Culture Tour - China
3 3
GE1354 MBTI와색채심리
MBTI and Color Psychology
3 3
GE1357 다시중국을읽을시간
Time to Read China Again
2 2


사회와세계 교과내용
학수번호 교과목명 학점 시수
GE1325 문화예술복지와상담
Culture and Arts Welfare and Counseling
3 3
GE1326 삶을 위한 마일렌슈타인(Meilenstein:이정표)
Meilenstein for Life
3 3
GE1327 영화속의 영문학
English Literature and Film
3 3
GE1865 갈등은무엇인가
What is conflict?
3 3
GE2013 국제관계론
International Relations
3 3
GE1866 국제사회의갈등과분쟁
Transnational Competition and Conflict
3 3
GE1250 다문화주의와이민
Multiculturalism and Immigration
3 3
GE2101 북한학
Studies in North Korea
3 3
GE1246 중국스토리
A Story of China
3 3
GE1150 지역사회복지론
Social welfare policy
3 3
GE1234 패션스타일링
Fashion Styling
3 3
GE2002 현대사회와경영
Modern Society and Management
3 3
GE1847 Business English 1
Business English 1
2 2
GE1848 Business English 2
Business English 2
2 2
GE1857 History / Culture of Skateboarding
History / Culture of Skateboarding
2 2
GE2001 경제의이해
Understanding of Economy
3 3
GE5101 국가안보론
Theories of National Security
2 2
GE1226 글로벌문화이해
Understanding of Global Culture
3 3
GE1225 글로벌시사읽기
Reading global affaires
3 3
GE1004 기업의이해
Sangsang Academy
3 3
GE1039 대중문화와매스미디어
Mass Culture and Mass Media
3 3
GE1313 청년내집마련프로젝트
Home-buying Project of Youth
3 3
GE1996 독일스토리
Story of Germany
3 3
GE1858 미국드라마영어연구
American Drama and English Studies
2 2
GE1245 미국스토리
A Story of America
3 3
GE1854 미국으로떠나요
Leaving for America
2 2
GE2009 민주사회와시민의식
Democracy and Citizenship
3 3
GE2005 법과사회
Law and Society
3 3
GE2010 사회복지개론
Introduction to Social Welfare
3 3
GE1152 사회복지실천론
Theories of social work practice
3 3
GE1153 사회복지정책론
Social welfare policy
3 3
GE1151 사회복지행정론
Social welfare administration
3 3
GE2146 성공적인재테크투자이론
Successful Investment Techniques and Theory
3 3
GE2147 북한사회의이해
Understanding of North Korean Society
3 3
GE1981 여행중국어
Travel Chinese
3 3
GE1215 영상속정치읽기
Reading Politics in Video
3 3
GE1853 영어포트폴리오
English Portfolio
2 2
GE1878 영화속의스파이세계
The Life of a Spy in a Movie
3 3
GE1244 일본스토리
A Story of Japan
3 3
GE1863 일본챌린지
Japanese Challenge
3 3
GE1979 중국의음식문화
Food Culture in China
3 3
GE1980 중국의차(茶)문화
Chinese Tea Culture
3 3
GE1860 중국챌린지
Chinese Challenge
3 3
GE1861 프랑스스토리
A Story of French
3 3
GE1982 프랑스언어와문화
French Language and Culture
3 3
GE1994 한국기업과일본기업의경영전략
Management Strategies of Korean and Japanese Companies
3 3
GE0015 현대사회와패션
Contemporary Society and Fashion
3 3
GE1334 누구나쉽게만드는메타버스
Metaverse for Everyone
2 2
GE1337 미디어로보는중국디지털경제이야기
China’s Digital Economy Story in Media
3 3
GE1339 중국의MZ세대
China’s MZ Generation
3 3
GE1356 글로벌기초일회화
Global Basic Japanese Conversation
3 3
GE1359 영어로준비하는세계여행
All about Travel in English
3 3
GE2016 영화로배우는군대사회
Military Community Learned from Movies
3 3
GE2026 투자와심리
Investment and Psychology
3 3
GE2033 생활속의법이야기
A Story about the Law in Daily Life
3 3
GE1371 퍼스널브랜딩
Personal Branding
2 2
GE1372 감동스피치와대화연습
Touching Speech and Conversation Practice
3 3
GE1373 성격심리학
Personality Psychology
3 3


과학과기술 교과내용
학수번호 교과목명 학점 시수
GE1301 Advanced Calculus 1
Advanced Calculus 1
3 3
GE1302 Advanced Calculus 2
Advanced Calculus 2
3 3
GE1147 데이터로보는세상
The world to be watched by DATA
3 3
GE1208 디지털스토리텔링
Digital Storytelling
3 3
GE1214 미디어로세상보기
Viewing the World through Media
3 3
GE1309 스마트폰영상만들기
Creating Smartphone Films
2 2
GE1323 부자들의 투자법
Investment of Rich People
3 3
GE1331 누구나쉽게배우는인공지능
Artificial Intelligence That Everyone Learns Easily
3 3
GE1340 증권투자로부자되기
Getting Rich with Stock Investments
3 3
GE1890 핀테크와블록체인
FinTech Block-Chain
3 3
GE1919 파이썬프로그래밍
Python Programming
3 3
GE2032 생활속과학이야기
Stories of Science in Every Life
2 2
GE1976 기초수학
Basic Calculus
2 2
GE2123 생활속의통계
Application of Statistics in Life
3 3
GE3131 인터넷윤리
Internet Ethics
3 3
GE3806 정보통계의이해
Understanding of Information Statistics
3 3
GE5102 무기체계론
Inorganic Systemology
2 2


미래와융합 교과내용
학수번호 교과목명 학점 시수
GE1330 전쟁사
History of War
3 3
GE1859 4차산업혁명시대대학생진로개발
The 4nd Industrial Revolution and the Career Development of University Student
3 3
GE2137 기술과벤처창업
Technology and Venture Opening
3 3
GE1876 대학생을위한창업교육
Entrepreneurship Education for University Students
3 3
GE1864 미술로보는심리학
Getting to know psychology through art
3 3
GE1235 창업입문
Introduction to Start-up
3 3
GE1891 4차산업혁명과법이야기
Story about 4th Industrial Revolution
3 3
GE1999 4차산업혁명과우주항공산업
Aerospace Industry and Industry 4.0
3 3
GE1881 더빙으로배우는영어
English Learning in Dubbing
3 3
GE1237 비즈니스혁신인물연구
Studies of Innovative People in Business
3 3
GE1993 여행으로배우는문화유산
The Cultural Heritage in a Trip
3 3
GE1879 영화로보는전쟁사
War History in Movies
3 3
GE1913 직업기초융합역량
Vocational Basic Convergence Competency
3 3
GE1862 창업마케팅
Start-Up Marketing
3 3
GE1138 창의적스타트업
Creative Start Up
2 3
GE3002 환경과인간
Environment and Man
3 3
GE2202 드림챌린지(자기설계)
Dream Challenge(Self-planning)
2 2
GE1341 생활속의경제원리
Economic Principles of Life
3 3
GE1350 젠더의가장자리에서만나는나
Me at the Edge of Gender
3 3
GE1358 미디어리터러시,방송기자에게듣는다
Media Literacy, Hear from a Journalist
3 3
GE2015 미래전쟁이야기
Story of a Future War(Stories of Future War)
3 3
GE2021 누구나만들며배울수있는컴퓨팅사고
Computational Thinking that Anyone Can Create and Learn
3 3
GE2023 스포츠테크와미래사회
Sports Tech & Future Society
3 3
GE2025 AI머니코칭
Becoming Rich by AI
3 3
GE2031 AI가만드는미래사회
Future Society Created by AI
3 3
GE2142 창업세미나
Changup Seminar
3 3
GE4164 영화흥행의비밀
Film, Mass Art and Business
3 3


인성과체육 교과내용
학수번호 교과목명 학점 시수
GE1144 자기계발과인성함양
Self-development and character cultivation
1 1
GE1145 스쿼시
2 2
GE1146 피트니스
2 2
GE1222 커뮤니케이션심리학
Psychology of Communication
3 3
GE1227 나는누구인가
Who am I
3 3
GE1228 사회초년병되기
Becoming Fresh out of College
3 3
GE1231 스무살부자되기
Becoming Rich in 20
3 3
GE1238 기업가정신
3 3
GE1251 성공의비밀
The Secret of Success
3 3
GE1253 인간은무엇인가
What is Human
3 3
GE1310 스트릿댄스입문
Introduction to Street Dance
2 2
GE1314 재미있는연기연습
Introduction to Acting
3 3
GE1315 모델워킹포즈맛보기
Introduction to Model Walking and Poses
2 2
GE1316 K-POP보컬트레이닝
K-Pop Vocal Training
2 2
GE1319 뷰티스타일링
Beauty Styling
2 2
GE1321 스노우보드
2 2
GE1324 글로벌비즈니스매너
Global Business Manner
3 3
GE1328 몸이란무엇인가
What is Soma?
2 2
GE1329 커뮤니티디자인
Community Design
2 2
GE1348 영화로읽는사람이야기
A Story about a Person through a Movie
3 3
GE1349 마음챙김심리학
Mindfulness Psychology
3 3
GE1351 강철멘탈의비밀
Secret of Resilience
2 2
GE1352 생활안전과응급처치
Life Safety and First Aid
3 3
GE1353 100세시대소크라테스헬스클럽
Socrates Health Club in a super-aging society
3 3
GE4161 골프1
2 2
GE1986 골프2
2 2
GE1987 스키
2 2
GE2136 현대인의교양과자기관리
Being a cultivated man and self-discipline
3 3
GE2203 수상스키
2 2
GE2205 농구(남)
Basketball (M)
2 2
GE2206 농구(여)
Basketball (W)
2 2
GE2207 풋살(남)
Futsal (M)
2 2
GE2208 풋살(여)
Futsal (W)
2 2
GE2209 서핑
3 3
GE4126 요가
3 3
GE4163 발란스무브먼트
Balance Movement
3 3
GE5103 리더십
2 2